Elder Law
Planning for Long Term Care.
Estate planning encompasses more than just what happens after you die, it should take into account the care you will receive as you age. Wick Elder Law works with you to make sure you are able to receive the long term care you need while protecting your assets and avoiding any financial burden to your family. Planning provides the opportunity to stay in control, and assists families facing the challenges that often come with aging.
Anyone dealing with a spouse or aging parent with long term medical needs knows how difficult it can be to obtain quality health care for that person while watching one’s life-savings become depleted. It is heart breaking and stress inducing at a time when the focus should be on providing comfort and care for the elderly individual. The Medicaid program, although difficult to navigate, can provide some relief.
Medicaid is a long term care program for the low income senior based on federal law, but interpreted and administered by the individual states. Illinois Medicaid benefits for supportive living and nursing home provide assistance based upon income and asset limits. Depleting one’s life-savings to zero is not required under the law. Contact Wick Elder Law for an individualized consultation and plan based upon your unique situation.
Every individual is unique. Every situation is different. “Going it alone” can be a huge mistake. The earlier the review process begins the more opportunity there is to take advantage of safe-harbor rules, allowable and proper spenddown options, and avoiding errors like improper “gifting” of assets. Don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s “too early” or it’s “too late” to plan. Wick Elder Law has the experience and knowledge to address each unique situation, providing direction and a clear path to success.
There are several legal opportunities for asset protection in the Medicaid context. There are allowable spenddown rules, certain allowable asset transfer rules, and spousal allowances of assets and income. Additionally there are opportunities to turn available assets into a stream of income, and with proper planning, outright gifting may be available. It is important to stress that you should have proper guidance and direction when considering asset protection and each situation is unique. Only an experienced, qualified Elder Law attorney has the tools you need to identify and arrange a plan to fit your needs. Wick Elder Law provides that direction daily for individuals and families in crisis.
Many veterans and their families are unaware that the Department of Veterans Affairs administers a pension program designed to aid wartime veterans and their surviving spouses to defray the high costs of nursing care. This program is often known as “Aid and Attendance”. Melissa Wick is an accredited attorney with the VA and works with veterans and their families to educate and assist in understanding and coordinating this benefit.
The VA benefits are based upon assets and income. Qualifying for the benefit requires an in depth review of the dates of service, the assets, income and out of pocket medical expenses for the veteran or the deceased veteran’s spouse. If qualified, the benefit can assist in paying for those extra medical expenses incurred by the veteran. Wick Elder Law has the experience and qualifications needed to guide you through the process, improving your likelihood of success in obtaining the largest benefit available.
- Pre-planning for greatest asset protection
- Guidance and strategy planning for the crisis situation
- Legally qualifying for nursing home benefits at the earliest possible time, while protecting against a lifetime of savings from being lost to spend down
- Long Term Medicaid application preparation and support
- Pre-planning for greatest asset protection
- Review of current financial and medical expenses
- Providing additional application support for Assisted Living
- VA Accredited and experienced application preparation
- Pre-planning for greatest asset protection
- Assistance with guardianship for incompetent adults